ACU has a number of bonus points schemes available to eligible applicants. Bonus points are added to your ATAR/OP/Rank or Aggregate (for Victorian school leaver applicants only), to give you a new adjusted entry score. This is then used to assess your eligibility for ACU courses.

Bonus points schemes with no application required
If you are eligible, you will automatically receive bonus points when you apply through the Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC, UAC or VTAC) to study at ACU.

  • Subject Bonus
  • Access ACU* (Schools Relationship Bonus, Campus Bonus, Regional Schools Bonus)

* Maximum of five bonus points is available across these three schemes.

Bonus Point Schemes requiring an application
If you are eligible, you will need to submit a separate application to receive bonus points, which are applied through the Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC, UAC or VTAC) system.

  • QTAC/UAC/VTAC Special Entry Access Schemes
  • Elite Athlete Bonus

If you have any questions about ACU’s bonus points’ schemes, call 1300 ASK ACU (1300 275 228) or email

Subject Bonus
The ACU Subject Bonus scheme acknowledges there is a solid correlation between performance in Year 12 subjects and the likelihood of success in tertiary studies.
If you are currently completing an Australian Year 12 program, or the International Baccalaureate (IB) in Australia, and have shown outstanding achievement in relevant subjects you will receive up to five bonus points.
Subject bonus points are automatically applied through the relevant Tertiary Admissions Centre if you list an ACU course as a preference – there is no need to apply separately.

View the list of courses and subject bonuses available:

Access ACU*
Schools Relationship Bonus
The Schools Relationship Bonus scheme is aimed at improving access to ACU for Australian Year 12 students.
Schools that have a strong relationship with ACU, are geographically close to an ACU campus and/or form part of the University’s ties with social and equity pathways are included in this scheme.
If you are currently completing an Australian Year 12 program, or the International Baccalaureate (IB) in Australia and attend a school identified in this category, you will receive up five bonus points.
Schools Relationship bonus points are automatically applied through the relevant Tertiary Admissions Centre if you list an ACU course as a preference – there is no need to apply separately.

Search for your school to see if you’re eligible

Campus Bonus
The Campus Bonus scheme is aimed at encouraging relationships with students residing in geographic areas that are of particular strategic importance to each ACU campus.
If you are currently completing an Australian Year 12 program, or the International Baccalaureate (IB) in Australia and live in an area identified in this category, you will receive up to five bonus points.
These bonus points are automatically applied through the relevant Tertiary Admissions Centre if you list an ACU course as a preference – there is no need to apply separately.

Search for your postcode or suburb to see if you’re eligible

Regional Schools Bonus
The Regional Schools bonus scheme is aimed at improving access to higher education for Australian Year 12 students who are attending schools in designated regional areas.
Students attending a school that has been identified, using the Australian Standard Geographical Classification ASGC postcode classification system, as regional are included in this scheme.
If you are currently completing an Australian Year 12 program, or the International Baccalaureate (IB) in Australia and attend a school identified in this category, you will receive up to five bonus points.
The Regional Schools bonus points are automatically applied through the relevant Tertiary Admissions Centre – there is no need to apply separately.

* A maximum of five bonus points applies across the Schools Relationship, Regional Schools, and Campus Bonus schemes.

Special Entry Access Schemes – EAS and SEAS
Access and Equity Schemes are targeted at applicants who have been unable to reach their full academic potential or may have access to the courses of their choice restricted due to their life experiences.
The scheme available through QTAC and UAC is called Educational Access Scheme (EAS) and through VTAC it is called Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS).  These schemes generally include categories such as financial hardship, home environment and responsibilities, personal illness and disability, education disruption and English language difficulties. The severity of disadvantage is assessed against the various hardship categories identified by each TAC.
Applications for EAS and SEAS must be made directly to the relevant TAC. For further information about eligibility and how to apply you will need to refer to the relevant TAC website.

Elite Athlete Bonus
ACU’s Elite Athlete Program awards bonus points at the point of admission for new students and is aimed at supporting current students who have demonstrated an elite level of sporting achievement.
If your application is successful, you will be awarded up to five bonus points.
For more information on this program please visit the Elite Athlete Program page.